21.04.2015 Invitat Mihai Ionac

21.04.2015 Invitat Mihai Ionac



  1. If we limit ourselves to the limit by „kill” the front constructive initiatives, medical practice demonstrated by the outstanding results of Sir Prof.Dr.Mihai Ionac and Clinical Vascular Surgery Department staff Timişoara – in fact, a rare example of a quotation from this part of the country – we can not change society for the better Romanian medical and quality of care. Discredit and slander are „ordered” well-known characters and truthfulness tint sought to be given under the auspices of the Board of Auditors and the so-called „investigation” of a press of a certain coloration. Unfortunately, amateurism and coarse reveals the authors. I do not want to go into details now, but – on the tickets that are handed to patients on the purchase of medicines needed surgery and indicate a certain pharmacies where to buy them – no one has the right to accuse the doctor or staff department with a since, after receiving the ticket, the patient has a choice whether or not to follow the recommendation, as is recognized even by the moderator, who said publicly that he passed and the same experience. Finally it is a recommendation, not a requirement. The fact that other doctors indulging in the use of poor and very poor material quality offered by the hospital, the risks and therefore visible, shows that under the guise of managers SCJUT display (patient care) is actually knowingly procures materials, counting the quantity and not the quality.
    Believes that health reform can begin after model (pattern) of the Sir Prof.Dr.Mihai Ionac Clinical Vascular Surgery in the Division of Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara.

  2. Jurnalism de cacao: ai un invitat, ii pui intrebari si nu il lasi sa raspunda; in timp ce invitatul vorbeste, nu ii acorzi atentie ci rasfoiesti disperat pagini in cautarea urmatoarei intrebari. E inchizitie, nu interviu! Lipseste elementarul respect in tinuta, limbaj si atitudine fata de un medic de mare prestigiu. Acest asa-zis jurnalist e o imensa rusine!
    Iar toata energia acestui caz e pusa in slujba defaimarii unui medic care si-a construit cariera cu truda si inteligenta, fara sa se preocupe nimeni cu adevarat de starea dezastruasa a sistemului sanitar si de mizeria generala in care ne zbatem.
    Concluzie: Mediocritatea nu suporta oamenii de valoare!


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